Picturesque Botany (Lily, Bleeding Hearts, Cosmos, Forget-me-not, Pollinators, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Lily, Bleeding Hearts, Cosmos, Forget-me-not, Pollinators, etc)

2024, 30” x 23” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Kenise Barnes Fine Art

Picturesque Botany (Foxglove, Peony, Fern, Bluebell, Hellebore, Pollinators, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Foxglove, Peony, Fern, Bluebell, Hellebore, Pollinators, etc)

2023, 41.5” x 29.5” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Morning Glory, Poppy, Dandelion, Tulip, Fern, Crocus, Pollinators, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Morning Glory, Poppy, Dandelion, Tulip, Fern, Crocus, Pollinators, etc)

2023, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Nocturnal Nature (Peony, Helenium, Hibiscus, Montbretia, Dahlia, Ferns, Pollinators)
Nocturnal Nature (Peony, Helenium, Hibiscus, Montbretia, Dahlia, Ferns, Pollinators)

2022, 30" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Picturesque Botany (Lily, Rose, Cherry Blossom, Foxglove, Dusty Miller, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Lily, Rose, Cherry Blossom, Foxglove, Dusty Miller, etc)

2023, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Tondo/Rose, Cornflower, Queen Anne’s Lace, Moonflower, Delphinium, Vines, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Tondo/Rose, Cornflower, Queen Anne’s Lace, Moonflower, Delphinium, Vines, etc)

2022-2023, 18” diameter, watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Lily, Foxglove, Rose, Dusty Miller, Moonflower, Apple Blossoms, Birds, Pollinators, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Lily, Foxglove, Rose, Dusty Miller, Moonflower, Apple Blossoms, Birds, Pollinators, etc)

2023, 51” x 27” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Peony, Magnolia, Geranium, Coneflower, Tulip, Ferns, Birds, Pollinators, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Peony, Magnolia, Geranium, Coneflower, Tulip, Ferns, Birds, Pollinators, etc)

2023, 51” x 27” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Picturesque Botany (Octagon/Foxglove, Gingko, Dusty Miller, Forget Me Not, Violet, Aster, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Octagon/Foxglove, Gingko, Dusty Miller, Forget Me Not, Violet, Aster, etc)

2023, 18” diameter, watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Nocturnal Nature (Ginkgo/Floor/Stars)
Nocturnal Nature (Ginkgo/Floor/Stars)

2020-2023, 30” x 23”
Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

Available - contact JWB studio for inquiries

Picturesque Botany (Tulip, Fern, Morning Glory, Delphinium, Lady Slipper Orchid, Rose, Pollinators, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Tulip, Fern, Morning Glory, Delphinium, Lady Slipper Orchid, Rose, Pollinators, etc)

2022-2023, 41.5” x 29.5” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Nocturnal Nature (Anemone, Passionflower, Buttercup, etc)
Nocturnal Nature (Anemone, Passionflower, Buttercup, etc)

2022, 30" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Cyanotype Painting (Magnolia, Dogwood, Ferns, Hummingbird, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Magnolia, Dogwood, Ferns, Hummingbird, etc)

2021, 22” x 30” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Fabriano Paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Magnolia, Peony, Poppy, Coral Bells, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Magnolia, Peony, Poppy, Coral Bells, etc)

2023, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Clematis, Poppies, Dill, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Clematis, Poppies, Dill, etc)

2021-2023, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Dogwood, Magnolia, Tulips, Rose, Pollinators)
Picturesque Botany (Dogwood, Magnolia, Tulips, Rose, Pollinators)

2023, 30" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Picturesque Botany (Tulip, Foxglove, Morning Glory, Snowdrop, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Tulip, Foxglove, Morning Glory, Snowdrop, etc)

2023, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Picturesque Botany (Roses, Morning Glories, Hellebores, Pollinators)
Picturesque Botany (Roses, Morning Glories, Hellebores, Pollinators)

2023, 24" x 18" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Nocturnal Nature (Bleeding Hearts, Anemones, Forget Me Nots, Ferns, Pollinators)
Nocturnal Nature (Bleeding Hearts, Anemones, Forget Me Nots, Ferns, Pollinators)

2021-2022, 32” x 26” paper size
Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

Available - contact JWB studio for inquiries

Nocturnal Nature (Poppies, Bleeding Hearts, Violet, Pollinators, Moon
Nocturnal Nature (Poppies, Bleeding Hearts, Violet, Pollinators, Moon

2022, 22” x 30” paper size
Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Fabriano Watercolor Paper

Available - contact JWB studio for inquiries

Nocturnal Nature (Helenium, Hibiscus, Snowdrops, Leaves, Ferns, Pollinators)
Nocturnal Nature (Helenium, Hibiscus, Snowdrops, Leaves, Ferns, Pollinators)

2022, 18" x 24" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Sundance

Nocturnal Nature (Peony, Iris, Fritillaria, Buttercup, Pollinators, etc)
Nocturnal Nature (Peony, Iris, Fritillaria, Buttercup, Pollinators, etc)

2022, 24” x 18” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Strathmore Watercolor Paper

Available through Sundance

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Clematis, Columbine, Ferns, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Clematis, Columbine, Ferns, etc)

2021, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Hibiscus, Hummingbird, Ferns, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Hibiscus, Hummingbird, Ferns, etc)

2022, 24” x 18” paper sizeWatercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Strathmore Watercolor Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Fritillaria, Poppies, Pollinators, Ferns, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Fritillaria, Poppies, Pollinators, Ferns, etc)

2022, 24” x 18” paper sizeWatercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Strathmore Watercolor Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Magnolia, Buttercups, Fritillaria, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Magnolia, Buttercups, Fritillaria, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 20” x 16” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Bleeding Hearts, Fritillarias, Ferns, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Bleeding Hearts, Fritillarias, Ferns, etc)

2021, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 23" x 30" watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Anemones, Tulips, Snowdrops, Hibiscus, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Anemones, Tulips, Snowdrops, Hibiscus, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Strathmore Paper

private collection

Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Goldenrod)
Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Goldenrod)

2020, 30” x 23” paper size, Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

Collection of the Boston Children’s Hospital

Cyanotype Painting (Fritallarias, Cosmos, Buttercup, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Fritallarias, Cosmos, Buttercup, etc)

2021, 24” x 18” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cold Press Watercolor Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Anemones, Ferns, Snowdrops, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Anemones, Ferns, Snowdrops, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Strathmore Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Geraniums, Ferns, Humming Bird, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Geraniums, Ferns, Humming Bird, etc)

2022, 24” x 18” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Queen Anne's Lace, Clover, Ferns, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Queen Anne's Lace, Clover, Ferns, etc)

2021, 23” x 18” Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Peonies, Hibiscus, Daisies, Montbretia, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Peonies, Hibiscus, Daisies, Montbretia, etc)

2021, 22” x 30” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Fabriano Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Morning Glories, Rose of Sharon, Hellenium, Swallowtail, etc) 2021
Cyanotype Painting (Morning Glories, Rose of Sharon, Hellenium, Swallowtail, etc) 2021

2021, 22" x 30" watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on cotton Fabriano paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Cosmos, Hibiscus, Ferns, Monarchs, etc
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Cosmos, Hibiscus, Ferns, Monarchs, etc

2021, 18” x 24” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cold Press Watercolor Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Magnolias, Ferns, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Magnolias, Ferns, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 24” x 18” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cold Press Watercolor Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Ginkgo, Ferns, Hibiscus, Anemones, Cosmos, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Ginkgo, Ferns, Hibiscus, Anemones, Cosmos, etc)

2021 27” x 22.5” watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on Strathmore 100% cotton paper, hot press 300 gms

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Daisies, Cosmos, Ferns, Monarch)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Daisies, Cosmos, Ferns, Monarch)

2021, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Ferns, Montbretia, Moths, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Ferns, Montbretia, Moths, etc)

2021, 22" x 30"
watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Pansies, Roses, Ferns, Queen Anne's Lace, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Pansies, Roses, Ferns, Queen Anne's Lace, etc)

2021, 30" x 26" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus. Goldenrod, Poppies, Cosmos, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus. Goldenrod, Poppies, Cosmos, Pollinators, etc)

2020, 30" x 26" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Double Hibiscus, Roses, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Double Hibiscus, Roses, etc)

2020, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Poppies, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Poppies, etc)

2020, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Magnolias, Palm Frond, Cosmos, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Magnolias, Palm Frond, Cosmos, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 23" x 23" watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Anemone, Stars, Luna Moth, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Anemone, Stars, Luna Moth, etc)

2021, 23" x 23" watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Tulips, Magnolia, Queen Anne's Lace, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Tulips, Magnolia, Queen Anne's Lace, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 24" x 18" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Ferns, Luna Moth)
Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Ferns, Luna Moth)

2020, 24” x 18” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Cosmos, Ferns, Luna Moth)
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Cosmos, Ferns, Luna Moth)

2020, 18" x 24" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Morning Glory, Crocus, Floor Pattern, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Morning Glory, Crocus, Floor Pattern, etc)

2020, 30" X 23" Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Stars)
Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Stars)

2020, 30" x 22" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cotton Arches paper


Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Tulips)
Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Tulips)

2020, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Pollinators)
Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Pollinators)

2020, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Anemone, Ferns, Floor Pattern, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Anemone, Ferns, Floor Pattern, etc)

2020, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Roses, Poppies, Morning Glories, Cosmos, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Roses, Poppies, Morning Glories, Cosmos, etc)

2020, 27" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Roses, Poppies, Morning Glories, Black Eyed Susans, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Roses, Poppies, Morning Glories, Black Eyed Susans, etc)

2020, 27" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Roses, Squash Blossom, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Roses, Squash Blossom, etc)

2020, 27" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Cosmos, Columbine, Queen Anne's Lace, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Cosmos, Columbine, Queen Anne's Lace, etc)

2021, 27" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on Arches cotton watercolor paper

private collection

Picturesque Botany (Lily, Bleeding Hearts, Cosmos, Forget-me-not, Pollinators, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Foxglove, Peony, Fern, Bluebell, Hellebore, Pollinators, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Morning Glory, Poppy, Dandelion, Tulip, Fern, Crocus, Pollinators, etc)
Nocturnal Nature (Peony, Helenium, Hibiscus, Montbretia, Dahlia, Ferns, Pollinators)
Picturesque Botany (Lily, Rose, Cherry Blossom, Foxglove, Dusty Miller, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Tondo/Rose, Cornflower, Queen Anne’s Lace, Moonflower, Delphinium, Vines, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Lily, Foxglove, Rose, Dusty Miller, Moonflower, Apple Blossoms, Birds, Pollinators, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Peony, Magnolia, Geranium, Coneflower, Tulip, Ferns, Birds, Pollinators, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Octagon/Foxglove, Gingko, Dusty Miller, Forget Me Not, Violet, Aster, etc)
Nocturnal Nature (Ginkgo/Floor/Stars)
Picturesque Botany (Tulip, Fern, Morning Glory, Delphinium, Lady Slipper Orchid, Rose, Pollinators, etc)
Nocturnal Nature (Anemone, Passionflower, Buttercup, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Magnolia, Dogwood, Ferns, Hummingbird, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Magnolia, Peony, Poppy, Coral Bells, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Clematis, Poppies, Dill, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Dogwood, Magnolia, Tulips, Rose, Pollinators)
Picturesque Botany (Tulip, Foxglove, Morning Glory, Snowdrop, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Roses, Morning Glories, Hellebores, Pollinators)
Nocturnal Nature (Bleeding Hearts, Anemones, Forget Me Nots, Ferns, Pollinators)
Nocturnal Nature (Poppies, Bleeding Hearts, Violet, Pollinators, Moon
Nocturnal Nature (Helenium, Hibiscus, Snowdrops, Leaves, Ferns, Pollinators)
Nocturnal Nature (Peony, Iris, Fritillaria, Buttercup, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Clematis, Columbine, Ferns, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Hibiscus, Hummingbird, Ferns, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Fritillaria, Poppies, Pollinators, Ferns, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Magnolia, Buttercups, Fritillaria, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Bleeding Hearts, Fritillarias, Ferns, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Anemones, Tulips, Snowdrops, Hibiscus, Pollinators, etc)
Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Goldenrod)
Cyanotype Painting (Fritallarias, Cosmos, Buttercup, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Anemones, Ferns, Snowdrops, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Geraniums, Ferns, Humming Bird, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Queen Anne's Lace, Clover, Ferns, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Peonies, Hibiscus, Daisies, Montbretia, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Morning Glories, Rose of Sharon, Hellenium, Swallowtail, etc) 2021
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Cosmos, Hibiscus, Ferns, Monarchs, etc
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Magnolias, Ferns, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Ginkgo, Ferns, Hibiscus, Anemones, Cosmos, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Daisies, Cosmos, Ferns, Monarch)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Ferns, Montbretia, Moths, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Pansies, Roses, Ferns, Queen Anne's Lace, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus. Goldenrod, Poppies, Cosmos, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Double Hibiscus, Roses, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Poppies, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Magnolias, Palm Frond, Cosmos, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Anemone, Stars, Luna Moth, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Tulips, Magnolia, Queen Anne's Lace, Pollinators, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Ferns, Luna Moth)
Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Cosmos, Ferns, Luna Moth)
Cyanotype Painting (Morning Glory, Crocus, Floor Pattern, etc)
Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Stars)
Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Tulips)
Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Pollinators)
Cyanotype Painting (Anemone, Ferns, Floor Pattern, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Roses, Poppies, Morning Glories, Cosmos, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Roses, Poppies, Morning Glories, Black Eyed Susans, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Roses, Squash Blossom, etc)
Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Cosmos, Columbine, Queen Anne's Lace, etc)
Picturesque Botany (Lily, Bleeding Hearts, Cosmos, Forget-me-not, Pollinators, etc)

2024, 30” x 23” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Kenise Barnes Fine Art

Picturesque Botany (Foxglove, Peony, Fern, Bluebell, Hellebore, Pollinators, etc)

2023, 41.5” x 29.5” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Morning Glory, Poppy, Dandelion, Tulip, Fern, Crocus, Pollinators, etc)

2023, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Nocturnal Nature (Peony, Helenium, Hibiscus, Montbretia, Dahlia, Ferns, Pollinators)

2022, 30" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Picturesque Botany (Lily, Rose, Cherry Blossom, Foxglove, Dusty Miller, etc)

2023, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Tondo/Rose, Cornflower, Queen Anne’s Lace, Moonflower, Delphinium, Vines, etc)

2022-2023, 18” diameter, watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Lily, Foxglove, Rose, Dusty Miller, Moonflower, Apple Blossoms, Birds, Pollinators, etc)

2023, 51” x 27” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Peony, Magnolia, Geranium, Coneflower, Tulip, Ferns, Birds, Pollinators, etc)

2023, 51” x 27” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Picturesque Botany (Octagon/Foxglove, Gingko, Dusty Miller, Forget Me Not, Violet, Aster, etc)

2023, 18” diameter, watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Nocturnal Nature (Ginkgo/Floor/Stars)

2020-2023, 30” x 23”
Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

Available - contact JWB studio for inquiries

Picturesque Botany (Tulip, Fern, Morning Glory, Delphinium, Lady Slipper Orchid, Rose, Pollinators, etc)

2022-2023, 41.5” x 29.5” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Nocturnal Nature (Anemone, Passionflower, Buttercup, etc)

2022, 30" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Cyanotype Painting (Magnolia, Dogwood, Ferns, Hummingbird, etc)

2021, 22” x 30” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Fabriano Paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Magnolia, Peony, Poppy, Coral Bells, etc)

2023, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Clematis, Poppies, Dill, etc)

2021-2023, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Picturesque Botany (Dogwood, Magnolia, Tulips, Rose, Pollinators)

2023, 30" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Picturesque Botany (Tulip, Foxglove, Morning Glory, Snowdrop, etc)

2023, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Picturesque Botany (Roses, Morning Glories, Hellebores, Pollinators)

2023, 24" x 18" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Carrie Haddad Gallery

Nocturnal Nature (Bleeding Hearts, Anemones, Forget Me Nots, Ferns, Pollinators)

2021-2022, 32” x 26” paper size
Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

Available - contact JWB studio for inquiries

Nocturnal Nature (Poppies, Bleeding Hearts, Violet, Pollinators, Moon

2022, 22” x 30” paper size
Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Fabriano Watercolor Paper

Available - contact JWB studio for inquiries

Nocturnal Nature (Helenium, Hibiscus, Snowdrops, Leaves, Ferns, Pollinators)

2022, 18" x 24" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

Available through Sundance

Nocturnal Nature (Peony, Iris, Fritillaria, Buttercup, Pollinators, etc)

2022, 24” x 18” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Strathmore Watercolor Paper

Available through Sundance

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Clematis, Columbine, Ferns, etc)

2021, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Hibiscus, Hummingbird, Ferns, etc)

2022, 24” x 18” paper sizeWatercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Strathmore Watercolor Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Fritillaria, Poppies, Pollinators, Ferns, etc)

2022, 24” x 18” paper sizeWatercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Strathmore Watercolor Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Magnolia, Buttercups, Fritillaria, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 20” x 16” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Bleeding Hearts, Fritillarias, Ferns, etc)

2021, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 23" x 30" watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Anemones, Tulips, Snowdrops, Hibiscus, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Strathmore Paper

private collection

Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Goldenrod)

2020, 30” x 23” paper size, Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

Collection of the Boston Children’s Hospital

Cyanotype Painting (Fritallarias, Cosmos, Buttercup, etc)

2021, 24” x 18” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cold Press Watercolor Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Anemones, Ferns, Snowdrops, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Strathmore Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Geraniums, Ferns, Humming Bird, etc)

2022, 24” x 18” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Queen Anne's Lace, Clover, Ferns, etc)

2021, 23” x 18” Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Peonies, Hibiscus, Daisies, Montbretia, etc)

2021, 22” x 30” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Fabriano Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Morning Glories, Rose of Sharon, Hellenium, Swallowtail, etc) 2021

2021, 22" x 30" watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on cotton Fabriano paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Cosmos, Hibiscus, Ferns, Monarchs, etc

2021, 18” x 24” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cold Press Watercolor Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Magnolias, Ferns, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 24” x 18” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cold Press Watercolor Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Ginkgo, Ferns, Hibiscus, Anemones, Cosmos, etc)

2021 27” x 22.5” watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on Strathmore 100% cotton paper, hot press 300 gms

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Daisies, Cosmos, Ferns, Monarch)

2021, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Ferns, Montbretia, Moths, etc)

2021, 22" x 30"
watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Pansies, Roses, Ferns, Queen Anne's Lace, etc)

2021, 30" x 26" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus. Goldenrod, Poppies, Cosmos, Pollinators, etc)

2020, 30" x 26" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Double Hibiscus, Roses, etc)

2020, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Poppies, etc)

2020, 20" x 16" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Magnolias, Palm Frond, Cosmos, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 23" x 23" watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Anemone, Stars, Luna Moth, etc)

2021, 23" x 23" watercolor, ink, gouache and cyanotype on hot press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Tulips, Magnolia, Queen Anne's Lace, Pollinators, etc)

2021, 24" x 18" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Ferns, Luna Moth)

2020, 24” x 18” watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Poppies, Cosmos, Ferns, Luna Moth)

2020, 18" x 24" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cold press watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Morning Glory, Crocus, Floor Pattern, etc)

2020, 30" X 23" Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Stars)

2020, 30" x 22" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on cotton Arches paper


Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Tulips)

2020, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Nocturnal Nature (Botanical/Floor/Pollinators)

2020, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Anemone, Ferns, Floor Pattern, etc)

2020, 30” x 23” paper size Watercolor, Gouache and Cyanotype on Cotton Arches Paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Roses, Poppies, Morning Glories, Cosmos, etc)

2020, 27" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Roses, Poppies, Morning Glories, Black Eyed Susans, etc)

2020, 27" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Cosmos, Roses, Squash Blossom, etc)

2020, 27" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on watercolor paper

private collection

Cyanotype Painting (Hibiscus, Cosmos, Columbine, Queen Anne's Lace, etc)

2021, 27" x 23" watercolor, gouache and cyanotype on Arches cotton watercolor paper

private collection

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